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Our production tool

The VUITTON sawmill has a modern and effective production tool for meeting the clients' deadlines.

We regularly invest in order to get new machines which enable us to tailor the production according to the market.


Logs storage - VUITTON sawmill Debarking - VUITTON Sawmill Sawing - VUITTON Sawmill Cutting - VUITTON Sawmill
Logs storage Debarking Sawing Cutting


Ripsaw - VUITTON Sawmill Plotting - VUITTON Sawmill Empilage - Scierie VUITTON Storage - VUITTON Sawmill
Edging Grade determination Stacking Storage





VUITTON Sawmill • 2 chemin de la scierie • Lieu-dit Échailla • 39270 ROTHONAY • France • Tel: +33 (0)3 84 35 50 34 • Email: click here

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